Wow, all the thoughts and emotions that have been going through my head in the past week has been so incredibly emotional and overwhelming.
A girl.
Wow. I am still in shock.
As soon as that screen popped up I immediately had hot tears streaming down my face, and continued that way the entire time. I could not believe that we were looking at our future child. It's completely breathtaking. Thinking of all the future memories that we will hopefully have with this child while looking at her still inside me blew my mind. There she was, moving and grooving around in there. Completely humbling to think that our Lord thinks we are ready for this and trusts us with this beautiful precious life...
After we found out and we were left a lone in the room for a moment (after I of course ran off to the bathroom, I had to go SOOO bad! Almost wet my drawers a few times! haha!) Landon looked at me and told me that he had secretly wanted a little girl for awhile. That stinker never let on! But I did have a feeling that's how he felt. I think we both wanted a little one of each other. To be honest, I am quite intimated with the idea of another me in my life. I can barely put up with myself most of the time! haha! But hopefully this little girl will also take after her daddy as much as I, which is the best part of myself anyway. To think that physically and emotionally this little girl will make up both parts of myself and the love of my life, makes me unfathomably already love this little lady more than I could imagine...
So in the past week I have cried at the look from someone I care about asking how the baby is, picturing our sweet little girl and my wonderful niece Vivien playing together (a little me and a little dear sister Rhiannon, but only 21 months apart instead of 9 years), the touch of little onesies in a store, hearing my husband saying the possible names of our little baby girl, a friend bringing me flowers on my last day of work, having a half hour long talk with our baby while we walk in the rain, talking to someone at church about our everyday life and God's blessings and timing...
The joys of being a new mama, my cup runneth completely over...